A higher level of consciousness is elevating your awareness beyond your normal thought processes.
When people speak of higher consciousness, they are referring to the activation of the part of our brain which we typically do not access, at least not for lengthy periods of time.
When you operate from your higher consciousness you are working from outside of lower consciousness, also referred to as the ‘ego’. When we function from the ego, we tend to be more self involved and self focused as individuals. When we are functioning out of higher consciousness, we access the parts of our brain that make us more self aware, less selfish, and we display more empathy, compassion and kindness. We act from love rather than from fear.
In a fast paced world which can appear to be driven by ego and fuelled by technology, fame, material possessions and status; moments accessing the higher consciousness within us is necessary for balance both individually and collectively.
When we look beyond our ego, we gain insights into ourselves and others around us that would perhaps have gone long unnoticed. We begin to see the truth about situations and people. When we actively seek to understand ourselves in this way, we are open to see the thoughts and belief systems that we have running in the background of our minds, which are allowing decisions and choices to be made unconsciously that perhaps don’t serve us and our highest good.
It is unrealistic to expect that anyone can run from their higher consciousness 24/7, but it is something we can all endeavour to access throughout our day to day lives.
Higher consciousness can be awakened intentionally by exerting our free will. The process can be accelerated in many ways such as; meditation, eating high vibrational foods, crystals, using essential oils, and spending time in nature, for example.
Intuition, also known as the inner voice, plays a big role in accessing ones higher consciousness. Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. As such, intuitions are more subtle & quiet than mental chatter. It’s often said that the inner voice speaks in whispers. It's so important to pay attention and listen. They are messages from the soul (your higher self) and therefore they are closer to the Divine and have priority – or should be prioritised – in the making of one’s decisions. The general rule is: train the mind to follow the inner voice, not the influence of the external circumstances.
* Helpful tip - Intuition has no emotion attached and often arrives as a contained thought. It also will feel "light".
I’m sure we have all had personal experiences when we preferred to listen to the voice of the mind instead of our intuition, consequently we made an expensive and/or painful life choice and paid the price for this choice. As you evolve and start to access your highest level of consciousness, you will notice these life choices are much easier and well guided, for your own highest good. We each have an inner voice guiding us through ever-evolving higher states of consciousness.
1. You may find yourself listening less to what people say and more to the feeling or intention behind their words of action.
2. You find yourself less interested in gossip, pettiness and judgement of others. You see the bigger picture and know that everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.
3. You begin to look back at your own life and realise your entire future life experience can now be different based on the consciousness you hold.
4. Rather than competing or wanting revenge on another, you will wish everyone the best because in reality we are all connected.
5. You will start to notice synchronicities in your daily life such as repetitive numbers, and signs. These are not coincidences! They are synchronicities! This is your spiritual team trying to get your attention. You are more in-tune than you think.
6. Heavy emotions come to the surface. A spiritual journey involves looking deep within ourselves and sometimes this may mean opening old emotional wounds, in order to deal with our path and move forward/evolve.
7. You are suddenly feeling the urge to find yourself - figure out who you truly are.
8. People who are negative are draining to be around. You won't and CANNOT tolerate it anymore.
9. Your senses are heightened! You are sensing other peoples emotions. Energy is everything! You know what people are thinking before they say it. Dreams are more vivid. You may also be hearing ringing or buzzing in your ears that no one else hears.
10. You are more thankful for everything and everyone. Even the bad stuff and people who have hurt us. You realise that that it's all teaching you in some way.
11. You are walking on air. Everything feels like magic. You are so happy and yet you feel a bit disconnected from those around you who have not yet awakened.
All in all, when you're in the middle of an awakening, you will start noticing changes in the way you feel, act and see everything and everyone around you. Life is going start feeling better but oh so different. If you are struggling with an awakening right now, just know that it eventually evens out. You will find balance again but life will NEVER be the same. And that is a GOOD thing!
Accessing your higher consciousness and being in touch with your intuition is an amazing thing. You begin to own who you are, make life decisions that come from your soul versus your ego. Once you step into your power and expand your light - the opportunities are endless.
Love and Light Always,
Amanda Jane xo